Hirlau played a very special role in the agitated history of medieval Moldova. The first documentary attestation about Hirlau is bind to the Court of Lady Margareta Musat (the mother of the leader Petru I Musat) that was set here on the 1st of May 1384. Its importance grew during the leadership of Stefan cel Mare, who rebuilt the court of the princely palace in 1486 and six years later, he added an architectural jewel: the Saint George Church - the first monument with a great scenery painted outside.
On the 12th of July 1499, Stefan cel Mare signed the Peace Treaty with the king Ioan Albert of Poland in Hirlau, fact that proves both the leader's victory on the battle fields, and the town development. Petru Rares was proclaimed by Stefan cel mare as the leader of Hirlau.
During Radu Mihnea's leadership Hirlau became princely residence and was the place where the leader died, in January 1626.
After this age of glory, Hirlau slowly begun to fall into decay, so that there are few documents to remind about it.
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